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Brauchen Unternehmen noch eigene Häuser? Di, 24. 00 Uhr Overstolzensaal im MAKK Köln. In Kooperation mit dem KAP-Forum.
Brauchen Unternehmen noch eigene Häuser? Di, 24. 00 Uhr Overstolzensaal im MAKK Köln. In Kooperation mit dem KAP-Forum.
Welcome, I am a wife, mother, grandmother and a furmom. I love scrapbooking and any paper crafts also love to read. Sunday, February 17, 2013. Wednesday, September 19, 2012. 25 mini albums I have made. Saturday, August 4, 2012.
鏈堚 濆姞鎭 紝鎴戜滑灏辫 鈥? 鏃ュ墠锛屼袱椤逛笌鑻庨夯绾ょ淮鐩稿叧鐨勬爣鍑嗙敱鍥藉 鏍囧噯濮斿彂. 銆愬師娌规棭鍙傘 戜笉寰椾笉鐪嬬殑鍘熸补闅斿 璧勮 锛? 涓嬫父鍗版煋鎯ㄦ贰 闂板湡涓嬭皟鍑 鍒 鼎澧為暱骞呭害. 闂板湡鑲 唤鍒嗘暎绾 郴鍒椾环鏍艰 鎯? 澶 触鐟炲熀鍖栧伐纰辨 у 榛勪环鏍艰 鎯? 娌冲寳鍥涙柟鍖栧伐纰辨 у 榛勪环鏍艰 鎯? 鍥捐В锛氬緱涓 棿浣撹 呭緱澶 笅. 浜旇崚鍏 湀娣 涓嶆贰 鏌 ˉ鍗版煋浜т笟缁х画棰嗚窇鍏ㄥ浗. 鍗庣汉鑲 唤鏈夐檺鍏 徃鏄 叏鍥藉悓琛屼笟鐨勯緳澶撮 骞蹭紒涓氾紝鑷充粖鍏锋湁39骞存部闈 巻鍙诧紝. 986骞达紝鏄 竴瀹跺 鍏冨寲浜т笟闆嗗洟锛屼富瑕佷骇涓氬寘鎷 寲宸ャ 佺墿娴? 妤氭簮闆嗗洟鏄 腑鍥芥煋鏂欏伐涓氬拰涓栫晫鏌撳寲琛屼笟鐨勭煡鍚嶄紒涓氾紝鍥藉 閲嶇偣楂樻柊鎶 鏈 紒. 姹熻嫃浜氶偊鏌撴枡鑲 唤鏈夐檺鍏 徃鏄 敱浜氶偊鍖栧伐闆嗗洟浣滀负涓昏 鍙戣捣浜猴紝浜? 椴佹嘲绾虹粐鑲 唤鏈夐檺鍏 徃鏄 瞾娉伴泦鍥 殑姣嶅叕鍙革紝涓嬭 12瀹舵帶鑲 瓙鍏 徃锛屾嫢鏈? .
We are a community of artists which encourages and celebrates the process of making art from fiber. We welcome and encourage new artists to enter the medium of fiber arts. We meet the FIRST Tuesday of each month at 7PM, Tiny Stitches, 2520 E Piedmont Rd, Marietta, GA 30062, unless otherwise noted in the schedule tab. Monday, July 13, 2015. Here are a couple of pictures of our wall space at the recent SEFAA open house. I completely forgot to take a picture of the table! Wednesday, July 8, 2015.
Saturday, August 15, 2015. I can not believe I am doing this either. Thursday, August 13, 2015. Latest Crazy Weaver Lady Experiment - Knitting on the Loom.